What’s In A Name? One Lesbian’s Search for Identity

By Ann McMan

So does that mean I can still claim my identity as a lesbian? And if so, should I be afraid to say it out loud?

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The post What’s In A Name? One Lesbian’s Search for Identity appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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TRAVEL – Revisiting Montreal as a gay couple during Pride

My fiancé and I had each been to Montreal many years before we got together, and we both had fond memories of it, so we were excited to go back again as a couple. Our trip was planned around Fierté Montréal which takes place each August, but like most ...

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UK Pride: Then and Now, a Cop’s Perspective

By Geoff Cadman
That Gay Pride day on July 1st 1972 was filled with hope and determination and much has been achieved since. I do not like the huge cracks appearing in those first laid foundations. Below is my story from that sunny day in London, in th...

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Boston’s “Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide” — Still Going Strong After Three Decades

By John R Killacky
“It is our intellectual journal.… If you want to deal with scholarly intelligent arguments, there’s really no place else we can publish,” writer/activist Larry Kramer was quoted as saying in that same New York Times article from 1998...

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Demi Lovato’s Pronoun Change and the Freedom to Explore Our Identities

By Kollyn Conrad

Identity is very fluid, and Lovato shows us that it's okay to change and evolve.

The post Demi Lovato’s Pronoun Change and the Freedom to Explore Our Identities appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Demi Lovat...

The post Demi Lovato’s Pronoun Change and the Freedom to Explore Our Identities appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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The Problem With Adoption and the Case for Doing it Anyway

By Cheryl Klein
“It’s a personal decision” sounds so pat, so unhelpful. So instead I’ll say this: Face the wave. If it calls to you, ride it.
The post The Problem With Adoption and the Case for Doing it Anyway appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Re...

The post The Problem With Adoption and the Case for Doing it Anyway appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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How My Grandmother’s Photos Uncovered a Secret Lesbian Society

By Gayla Turner
The groom standing next to my grandmother in those photos was not my grandfather, but a woman dressed in men’s clothing. 
The post How My Grandmother’s Photos Uncovered a Secret Lesbian Society appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Re...

The post How My Grandmother’s Photos Uncovered a Secret Lesbian Society appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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Lessons about Parenting from My Genderfluid Child

By Caitlin Billings
I’ve learned it’s important to grieve, not because someone has died but because they have gone away and returned from a new direction.
The post Lessons about Parenting from My Genderfluid Child appeared first on The Gay & Lesbia...

The post Lessons about Parenting from My Genderfluid Child appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Lessons about Parenting from My Genderfluid Child appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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Rejection Made Me Stronger

By Byron Kennedy

My parents didn’t kick me out, but they did kick me out of their hearts. And I mourn the loss of their love to this day.

The post Rejection Made Me Stronger appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Rejection Made Me St...

The post Rejection Made Me Stronger appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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Review: The Power of the Dog

Jane Campion’s The Power of the Dog might best be described in paradoxical terms like “languid thriller.” Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture and regarded early on as the front runner, this film brings contemporary political consciousness t...

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