Non-Binary Short Film Reviews, Pt 1

By Toby Jaffe
The end result was a euphoric rainy mid-afternoon watching three flawed but wonderful short films on YouTube, all centered around the non-binary experience and featuring non-binary main characters.
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The post Non-Binary Short Film Reviews, Pt 1 appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Non-Binary Short Film Reviews, Pt 1 appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Non-Binary Short Film Reviews, Pt 1 appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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I Knew I Was Different—But How?

By Jayson Lara
When I went through with the decision to come out of the closet, my announcement assured myself and other queer youth that we have a place in society, that we do exist, despite living in a world that is still trying to erase us.
The pos...

The post I Knew I Was Different—But How? appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post I Knew I Was Different—But How? appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post I Knew I Was Different—But How? appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Celebrate LGBT History Month!

LGBT History Month celebrates the achievements of 31 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender Icons. Each day in October, a new LGBT Icon will be featured in the following video.
The post Celebrate LGBT History Month! appeared first on The Gay & Lesbi...

The post Celebrate LGBT History Month! appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Celebrate LGBT History Month! appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Celebrate LGBT History Month! appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Interview with Marshall Moore

By Trebor Healey

"Did I even navigate childhood? I think I sort of shipwrecked, washed ashore, and found a cave."

The post Interview with Marshall Moore appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Interview with Marshall Moore appeared fi...

The post Interview with Marshall Moore appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Interview with Marshall Moore appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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My Journey to Asylum in America

By Edafe Okporo
 “Edafe Okporo, please rise,” the judge said upon returning. “Thank you for your bravery and courage. I am granting you permission to live in America.”
The post My Journey to Asylum in America appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Rev...

The post My Journey to Asylum in America appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post My Journey to Asylum in America appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post My Journey to Asylum in America appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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An Organization Man Has an Epiphany

By Richard Gartner

The next thing I knew, my body was trembling from the inside out. I was paralyzed and yet in vibratory motion at the same time.

The post An Organization Man Has an Epiphany appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post An...

The post An Organization Man Has an Epiphany appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post An Organization Man Has an Epiphany appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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A Memorable Love Affair

By Felice Cohen
What makes a love affair memorable? If it’s your first? Being caught in bed by your lover’s partner? Your first love dying? In my experience, it was all the above.
The post A Memorable Love Affair appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian...

The post A Memorable Love Affair appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post A Memorable Love Affair appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post A Memorable Love Affair appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Not Welcome

  A slice of home security footage that went viral shows two Mormon missionaries arriving at a front door somewhere in Indiana and noticing a doormat with the words “Gayest Place in Town,” whereupon they take one look at each other and bolt. The b...

The post Not Welcome appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Not Welcome appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Not Welcome appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Our Surrogacy Journey

By Stephen Hanna and Bret Schuford

Our journey was full of surprises at every turn, but it was worth it.

The post Our Surrogacy Journey appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Our Surrogacy Journey appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media an...

The post Our Surrogacy Journey appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Our Surrogacy Journey appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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