Considering a Place in Fiction for Badly-Behaved Queers

By Brian Alessandro
There is a valid concern that portraying an LGBTQI character as foul in fiction could make our place in the world tenuous.
The post Considering a Place in Fiction for Badly-Behaved Queers appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Revi...

The post Considering a Place in Fiction for Badly-Behaved Queers appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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The post Considering a Place in Fiction for Badly-Behaved Queers appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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By Charles Roussel
At 58, I outed myself through a series of conversations on Zoom, in the middle of the pandemic.

The post Zooming-Out appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Zooming-Out appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Net...

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Henry Scott Tuke: Homoeroticism in a Time of Illegality

By Samuel Muñoz
In the same decade that the trial of Oscar Wilde and the network of male brothels on Cleveland Street swept the headlines and flamed a push for a tougher stand on anti sodomy laws, an English artist thrived by openly celebrating the bea...

The post Henry Scott Tuke: Homoeroticism in a Time of Illegality appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Henry Scott Tuke: Homoeroticism in a Time of Illegality appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Henry Scott Tuke: Homoeroticism in a Time of Illegality appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Beyond Cabaret: Queer Life in Early Twentieth-Century Germany

By Brian Fehler
To Be Seen, Queer Lives: 1900-1950 reveals moments of queer life during the emerging explorations of identity after the turn of the century, including the vibrant years of the Weimar Republic, the years of Nazi persecution, and the earl...

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The post Beyond Cabaret: Queer Life in Early Twentieth-Century Germany appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Beyond Cabaret: Queer Life in Early Twentieth-Century Germany appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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“Pretty Woman: The Musical” an Evening of Retro Fun

The latest trend in the world of Broadway Musicals seems to be taking a popular film from 20 – 30 years ago, adding music, and targeting the nostalgia. The list the last few years is long, including Mean Girls, Beetlejuice, Mrs. Doubtfire and Big. It’s...

The post “Pretty Woman: The Musical” an Evening of Retro Fun appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post “Pretty Woman: The Musical” an Evening of Retro Fun appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post “Pretty Woman: The Musical” an Evening of Retro Fun appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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It’s Gonna Be Huge

All in the interest of keeping our finger on the Zeitgeist as it evolves in ways that those over, say, fifty may not have foreseen: there’s a new gay reality dating show called For the Love of DILFs ...
The post It’s Gonna Be Huge appeared first on The...

The post It’s Gonna Be Huge appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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A Son’s Forgiveness

By Migguel Anggelo
LatinXoxo is about living the truth of who you are—whether gay, straight, trans, or anything in between. In my case, I was born to live inside my skin, even when others weren't ready to see me as comfortable in it.
The post A Son’s F...

The post A Son’s Forgiveness appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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Review of Our Flag Means Death on HBO Max

By Vidal D'Costa
After two seasons, Our Flag Means Death has amassed a dedicated fan base, particularly among the LGBT community.

The post Review of Our Flag Means Death on HBO Max appeared first on The Gay & Lesbian Review.The post Review of Our ...

The post Review of Our Flag Means Death on HBO Max appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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Coming Out without the Drama

By Susan Olmi
It was so easy that for a long time I didn’t understand what that sensation of being constantly ecstatic and slightly breathless was. It finally struck me when I realized that I had fallen for a friend of mine.
The post Coming Out without...

The post Coming Out without the Drama appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Coming Out without the Drama appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Coming Out without the Drama appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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Manuel Muñoz on the Power of LGBTQ Characters

Focusing on the valley in which he grew up, Manuel Muñoz's stories address issues he grew up observing intimately: immigration, poverty, farm labor, family ties and their unraveling, and where queer characters fit (or don’t) into that environment.
The ...

The post Manuel Muñoz on the Power of LGBTQ Characters appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Manuel Muñoz on the Power of LGBTQ Characters appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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