You Got This: Howard Bragman and Coming Out Again

By Mike Maimone
Music has always been cathartic for me, but in this one area, I felt blocked from releasing anxieties via artistic expression. Although I was out, I felt stuck in a different closet. All that changed when I met Howard.
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A Conversion Therapist’s Epiphany

By Frank Perez
Today, despite a major paradigm shift in public attitudes toward homosexuality and the criminalization of Exodus-type ministries in many states, conversion therapy stubbornly persists.
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The post A Conversion Therapist’s Epiphany appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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Butch Stories Saved My Life

By Camille Kellogg
Growing up, I certainly knew that butch lesbians existed. But it never crossed my mind that being butch was an actual, viable option for my future.

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The post Butch Stories Saved My Life appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

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An Awkward Coffee Break

By John Brady McDonald, (Nehiyawak-Métis)
While it is true that it has been over twenty years since I’ve been in a relationship with a man, it’s always awkward to explain to others that my attraction to men isn’t something I ‘switched off,’ and that it...

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Saleem Kidwai, India’s LGBT Activist

By Lucky Issar
Apart from being a history professor, Saleem was a queer activist, overtly subdued, but emphatically resilient. He eagerly offered his solidarity to a variety of causes, but he did not beat his chest or shout slogans.
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The post Saleem Kidwai, India’s LGBT Activist appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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By Jonathan Fuller
But when my friends from youth group started confessing who, in that incredibly small pool, they had a crush on, my innermost thoughts betrayed me. The face I pictured belonged to E.   
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The post E appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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REVIEW – Shania Twain Still Reigns on “Queen of Me” Tour

You never know where Shania Twain is going to pop up. Fans towards the back of the floor and left side of the dome suddenly found themselves front row when she popped up in a box to sing the opening number Waking Up Dreaming from the album her Queen of...

The post REVIEW – Shania Twain Still Reigns on “Queen of Me” Tour appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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Review of “Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer” Exhibit

By Denise Noe
Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer is an enthralling art exhibit. .. It brings to light shared histories of misunderstanding, bigotry, persecution, but most importantly, shared histories of resilience.
The post Review of “Queering the ...

The post Review of “Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer” Exhibit appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

The post Review of “Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer” Exhibit appeared first on GAY WEB SOURCE.

The post Review of “Queering the Crip, Cripping the Queer” Exhibit appeared first on News and Blog Center | RSS Feed Syndication.

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New Logic

By Caitlin Hanratty
“Uh huh,” I reply, as if it’s a universal truth: we fall in love with people as individuals, not their gender. I am following a new logic, though I don’t quite understand it.  
The post New Logic appeared first on The Gay & Lesb...

The post New Logic appeared first on Gay LGBTQ Media and Press Network.

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